For the Art Festival it is time for the first act of the new edition, scheduled in the historic center of Recanati on 8, 9, 10 July 2022, again thanks to the patronage of the Department of Culture and the Municipality of Recanati.

Online, the application form that artists can fill in to apply for the sixth edition. The artistic direction is ready to welcome new suggestions from performers who now come from all over the world. The Art Festival, in addition to being included among the cultural events of the Leopardi town, over the years has managed to make people talk about itself in other municipalities in the Marche region as well.

In such delicate periods for the art sector, having been able to get artists to work not only in Recanati but also in unusual events, was a source of great satisfaction that encourages the activity of the Whats Art Association to promote the performing arts.

As every year, all the proposals will be evaluated on the basis of transparent criteria: quality, innovation, adaptability to the structural context of the location. All the artists will be answered by e-mail, the selected ones will be contacted by telephone. All questions will be kept and can be reconsidered for future Whats Art collaborations.

Artists can fill in the partecipation form here: APPLICATION FORM 2022 – Recanati Art Festival (carefully read the rules and conditions).

Application Deadline: May, 27 May 2022 (Applications arriving after this date will be excluded).

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