Coltiva l’Arte! is the initiative to relaunch art, proposed by the Whats Art Association and created in collaboration with Cafè de la Paix and We Marche, under the patronage of the Municipality of Recanati, right on the days when it should have been the 5th edition of the Recanati Art Festival, canceled due to Covid-19.

In compliance with current regulations, aromatic plants as a symbol of rebirth in support of all forms of contemporary art for sale in Piazza G. Leopardi di Recanati on Sunday 5 July from 18.30: a fundraiser to allow the association to create new events, having 2020 public funds have been waived so far. Part of the proceeds will go towards the purchase of plants to be donated to the two Comprehensive Institutes of the city of Recanati. It will also be an opportunity to restart the music, a first live opportunity with the Oneirik Folk concert from 7.45 pm.

A pandemic that has greatly affected culture and everything that revolves around it, a lockdown that has limited sociality and freedom of movement, “circumscribed” lifestyles that have led to change the use of art, have not been able to turn off the desire for music, theater, dance, contemporary circus. Artists from all over the world unanimously continued to cultivate their desire to create shows and to engage the public, with streaming performances …. cultivating, a term that precisely unites nature and art and here, how you take care of a map to make it flourish, so art must be taken care of so that it continues to bear its cathartic and edifying fruits.
A symbolic act, which recalls an ancient activity, that of cultivating, that everyone can practice, a gesture that reminds us how art too must remain “within the reach of every man” and everyone can contribute to reviving it every time, as “The Phoenix from its own ashes”. Without support, without contributions, yet it starts again, albeit gradually and looks to the future with tenacity and enthusiasm.
For the seedlings of the Luchetti nursery in Osimo, we chose the aromatic ones, to give a particular perfume to the event.

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